R.J.'s Experiences in Lincoln

Name: R.J.
Age: 22
B-day: 8-5-1983
Status: I Have A Great G/F

~ The Foundry ~
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~ Google ~
~ Fly Away Records ~
~ My Old Poems ~
~ Hef's Hill Band ~
~ The Face Book ~
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~ My Old Blog ~
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August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
March 2006

    Wednesday, August 31, 2005  

  The Foundry

Well, after working on it for about a day, off and on, I finally finished the website for my church... I think it looks pretty nice... but I also have a biased opinion... but, I wanted to tell you all so you could check it out...




Time Posted: 9:21 PM     1 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Tuesday, August 30, 2005  

  Revelations at the Gym

"Exercise is a pain...if you join a gym, you have to like go a lot for it to work...you have to keep going and going..." - Comedian Greg Giraldo

Although humorous, the above statement is quite true. It isn't enough to think about going to the gym. It isn't even enough to go to the gym once or twice. If you want to see some real results without doing something harmful to your body like by not eating, then you have to continually go to the gym, it has to be part of your life style. And as I was sitting in the gym, on the bicep curls machine, God revealed to me that living a pure life for Him is the same way. It's not enough to just accept His son Jesus as your savior. It's not even enough to read your bible, pray, or do good things every once in a while to have a great relationship with Him. It has to be something that you do daily, multiple times a day... it has to become a lifestyle. And then, God will start toning you, refining you, and stripping away the fat and building muscle... spiritually speaking of course.


Time Posted: 6:00 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Sunday, August 28, 2005  

  Hoooo Wahhhhh!

So, I am sure you are probably sick of hearing the name "Danielle" but, being as she is my only friend at this moment in Lincoln, her name comes up a lot. Anyhow, her and I played Egyptian War (a.k.a. Egyptian Rat Screw, a.k.a. Egyptian Rattlesnake) a few days ago, the first night we hung out actually, and she kicked my butt. I usually kick everyone's butt at it, but I hadn't played in a while. The last time I had played was September, and I had lost to a girl then, but I was sick, and had pulled an all nighter like a moron, so not being quick enough to slap then was alright with me. But, losing to Danielle was frustrating... because I hate losing, she's a girl, and I usually kick butt at that game. So, flash forward to tonight. We played 3 games tonight... I won 2, she won 1... so we are tied. One of the ones I won, took only a minute and a half, cuz I killed her quickly.. t'was good times. Her sister and friends had rented The Final Cut which is a great movie i recommend, and I wanted to watch, but it was long, and I needed to get home to go to bed... so that's where I'm headed... good night!


Time Posted: 12:08 AM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Saturday, August 27, 2005  

  Halloween In August

So, i went to the store with this girl Danielle the other day. She pointed out that Wal-Mart was selling Halloween stuff. I stopped in my tracks..... WHAT!?!?!? It's not even September yet?! Since when did Halloween start in August!? What is going on with our country when you have to buy fake spider webs and paper ghosts more than 2 months before Halloween. I'm surprised those morons aren't selling pumpkins already. "Well, we're selling everything else so early, so i figured...." Argh... sorry, just had to vent.


Time Posted: 5:00 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Thursday, August 25, 2005  

  Working Out

So, those of you who were online this morning and looked at my away message, you may have had a heart attack because it said "Working out" and it hasn't said that forever. But yah, I started my working out today... i was supposed to start yesterday but this girl Danielle (a girl my age that I met that is cool [and cute]) was supposed to go with me, but she's got a cold.... so I just ran errands with her.... but yah, I started working out today. The treadmills have a nice little spot for my Ipod, which is great, it's right in the center so I dont have to worry about my arms catching the earphones and ripping them out. It also has some sort of anti-shock thing, so the ipod doesn't skip. I am going tomorrow morning at 9.... blah, way way way too early.... but I'll be going with someone (not Danielle) so it should be fine.

Anyhow, that's all for now... peace out!


Time Posted: 10:25 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Wednesday, August 24, 2005  

  I Am A Great Driver

So, after not being able to get my license last week because of some stupid thing, I went to the DMV and stood in line, but only for like 20 mins this time, i was quite lucky. I passed the eye test fine, got my picture taken.... then I had to take the test... of course I didn't study.... I am a cocky kid, so I didn't feel I needed to study.... I started taking the test and thought "oh crap, i'm gonna have to go home and actually study, and then come take it again"... but I continued withthe test, making my best educated guesses.... and sho'nuff, the lady grades it and I only missed 1!!!! And it was one I debated on. It was the Blood Alcohol Content one, which doesn't matter for me anyway, because I don't drink. But I thought Nevada was lower than everywhere else, so I guessed the one right above the Nevada one, but I guess Cali changed to be the same as Nevada a few years ago... but that's the only one I missed! Pretty good for not having studied in 6 1/2 years.... Hoooo Wahhh! Needless to say, I was quite happy. Then, I told the lady i thought I was going to fail and I didn't want to have to go home and study and she said "You didn't study?" I told her "No" and she just kind of gave me a look... t'was good times.

Then, after I came back home, I changed, and looked at my gut, and decided that it needed to go, for real this time. So, I went and got a gym pass. A week ago, my pastor said he was getting a pass to the new gym opening and he said I should get one since I said I never have someone to go with, so he said we could go together. Then, yesterday, hanging out with this girl Danielle (yes, I finally have friends in Lincoln!) she said she was getting a pass to the gym also.... so, I decided to get one... I need to be in shape again. Anyhow, Danielle and I are going tomorrow (or today i guess since it's past midnight) if she's feeling alright.

And for the rest of the day, I watched Danielle's softball game, and then hung out with her and her friend Keenan for the rest of the evening...

So long for now... maybe I should take a "before" picture.... maybe.


Time Posted: 1:08 AM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Monday, August 22, 2005  

  I Got A Girl Pregnant

..... or so I like to tell people from high school who I haven't talked to in a long time when they ask if I am married and have kids. Well, apparently, back around my sophomore year of college, I had told 2 friends of mine from high school that, but I never talked to them again until a couple of years later and so I never had the chance to tell them I was just joking.... it is quite humorous to hear their reactions to find out a couple of years later that it was just a joke, instead of finding out the next day.... haha, good time.

Lincoln is kind of boring. I don't know anyone in my age group (actually, one person, who I am hoping to kick it with tommorrow [or today, cuz it's past midnight]). I also, haven't been able to find a job.... but other than that, things are great... Well, just wanted to post because it's been a few days. Adios!


Time Posted: 12:15 AM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Wednesday, August 17, 2005  

  A new poem...

So, i wrote this poem about someone... obviously i took many artistic liberties, as we are not even dating, let alone madly in love.... as with most of my poems they start out about someone, but i go into more of a general girl.... just mastering my skills until "she" comes along and I can blow her away....

Until then, enjoy.... and try to guess who it's about... haha...

The Recipe

These words flow out to write a song about you,
But I can't imagine living my life without you,
There's no doubt you have left an imprint on my heart,
A tattoo that you inked as your own special mark,
I want to hold hands, to slow dance, to romance,
Snap back to reality, I realize I have no chance,
Because I know that's our fate, it's our destiny,
I pour out my heart, my soul, the best of me,
The recipe for love, is half me and half you,
It wouldnt be a sweet dessert, if it didn't have you.
~August 17, 2005


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    Sunday, August 14, 2005  

  Xbox Fun

So, many of you know, and some of you may not, that the reason I moved to Lincoln, CA was to help start a church. There is a team of 8 of us here who are the initial launch team for starting the church. The pastor is a great guy... he is younger, like 33ish, for what most people would have as a mental picture of a pastor. But he's young, and that's awesome because it gives me a chance to relate. Plus, I just gave him a call and said "Hey, are you up for some xbox tonight?" and he said "You bet! Come on over around 8!"... It will be quite an awesome time. Plus, in a couple of weeks, as a "getting to know people and hopefully eventually get them involved in church"-type function (no, that's not the official name), we are having a guys-night at one house, where we'll have multiple xbox's hooked up, playing a massive game of Halo. Then, the girls will be next door doing some sort of a pampering and games thing.. dunno, don't care.... but yah, that should be an awesome time.

Until next time...


Time Posted: 7:18 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Tuesday, August 09, 2005  


Racko... what a wonderful game... I haven't played it since like elementary school... until tonight that is... My new roommate asked if i played board games and i said 'yes'... and he began to name off the ones he owned, and he said 'Racko' ... and so i played against him and his wife... t'was fun times.... he won 2 games, his wife and I won only 1 each.

We have a 'Monopoly Night' coming up in the near future... stay tuned!


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  I Have Arrived

Well.. I am finally in California... through the initial excitement, the uphill battle, the feelings and doubts of whether or not I should be going to California, I am finally here and all of that is behind me, and I am able to begin a new adventure here in good ol' Lincoln, California. My friend Tim who lives here, he saw me driving to go get food, and so he made a u-turn, and bought me breakfast... Hooo Wahhh!!

Anyhow, I have a long day of unpacking, but I will definitely be writing stuff now!




Time Posted: 1:07 PM     1 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Saturday, August 06, 2005  

  Does Size Matter?

M-V-E-M-J-S-U-N-P ..... many people may recognize that as the first letter of the planets of our solar system. But, after the discoveries recently of 2 more "planets" the term "planet" has become more under debate. Within this debate, some scientists, based on the matter of size (or lack thereof) want to eliminate Pluto as a planet...

Will I have one less foam ball to buy when my kids make a mobile of the planets in second grade?
Check out this link for the full story:


Time Posted: 10:01 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Friday, August 05, 2005  

  My Attractions

Lately I haven't been able to fall asleep. In the last 2 weeks, I have had 4 days where I've only slept about 4 hours... 7am-11am.... This immense amount of free time due to insomnia has allowed me to 1) Watch tons of TV and 2) Think about some things.

While watching the Disney Channel (see 1. above), I saw a music video from the new straight-to-DVD movie, "The Muppets Wizard of Oz." Musical artist Ashanti is one of the actors in this movie, and sings in the music video. She is dressed up in a simple, farm-girl outfit and I was strongly (and strangely) attracted to her. So I began thinking (see 2. above). I have seen her before in other music videos, on TV, in pictures, etc... and although she is a very beautiful woman, I really never was attracted to that type. But, then seeing her in this Muppets musical video I was blown away by her beauty. I have known for a while that I find a girl in a banada very attractive, probably for their "housewife look" (words of a friend): (See exhibits 1 & 2 below.)

Click to see Exhibit 1
Click to see Exhibit 2

Now, I don't know what it is about this "housewife look" but it makes me quite attractive to most girls with that look. Some may say that I want a subserviant wife and feel that I can fulfill that fantasy with a female that has such a "look," but in fact I want a very independant-minded, and goal-oriented female... so, trying to balance the ying and yang of those two things in my mind, especially at 1:33am is proving to be difficult... but I still may never figure it out... all I know is that Ashanti is looking very very hot in the "Muppets Wizard of Oz" movie... Hooo Wahhh!


Time Posted: 11:59 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)


  A Free Tank of Gas

So, as a little birthday gift to myself, I decided to go gamble a little bit. (By the way, today is my birthday...) Anyhow, so I started out playing blackjack, and I was winning a little, losing a little, back and forth, and then through a few dealers, I ended up breaking even. So then, I hopped on over to the craps table because the guy who was running it is a guy who gives me great luck on craps. So, I get there, and they change guys... i played anyway, lost $20. So, i hopped on over to the roulette table and I started kicking butt. I only play a few numbers: 0, 00, 1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 21, 27, and 36. I got 2 17's in a row, a 21, a 27. I was kicking butt. New dealer... i had already pocketed what I put down, plus the money i lost at craps, so I could walk out even. I was all out of chips with some on the table when this guy put a lot around and on # 11, and I put $1 worth on there. Right as the ball was about to drop I was like "11 would be nice!" and BAM! It was 11. So, that paid $35, adding it to the $40 i pocketed ($20 bet on roulette, $20 bet on craps and lost). So, I was up $35. I went to play some video poker and lost $5. I put $10 in a slot machine. I went up and down, and then won a good one, and got up to $16, so I cashed out. I ended up winning $36 profit the whole night. (I definitely got around from blackjack table to craps table to roulette table to video poker, to slots.) But, tomorrow morning I will be using that whole $36 to buy a tank of gas... but hey, I had fun tonight (especially at roulette) and I got a free tank of gas out of it. Happy Birthday R.J.!


Time Posted: 12:55 AM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Thursday, August 04, 2005  

  My Crazy and Lazy Summer.

As I mentioned in my previous blog posting, my calendars were both still set to April. Now, this could mean 1 of 2 things. 1) I have had a crazy busy summer or 2) I am lazy. I think it is a combination of both... May 1st was 8 days before my last college final ever, and 13 days before I graduated college. My mind definitely wasn't thinking of taking the time to tape up the new month, and it was just easier to flip up. Then, shortly after I graduated, I had gotten a second job, and was working every day of the week, some days I was even working upwards of 10 hours a day. Then, I ended up quitting that job because it was killing me and I didn't NEED the money, so I felt it was best if I left... plus, I was too lazy to memorize the menu and how to make everything on it, so I guess it was probably best. I have been really lazy lately... ever since I quit that second job. It's been nice just hanging out with people, and laying around watching movies and TV. I bought a TiVo with my graduation money and it can record up to 140 hours.... so I'm loving it, and I'm not missing shows. The 4 hour marathon blocks of Fresh Prince are great! Anyhow... that is all for now... I really will only be writing random things until I actually move to California...but I'll still write random things then too, don't worry!



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    Wednesday, August 03, 2005  

  T-minus 4 days...

Well... the time has finally arrived... I can finally go to California. After a long process of waiting, and searching, and waiting, and searching, and waiting... I finally found a place, a very, very nice (I will post pictures in the next couple of weeks) and I can finally get my butt out of Nevada, to California, and start looking for a job.

It's definitely been an exercise in having faith, as it seemed like things would never come through and I began doubting if I was even supposed to be going to California, but alas, everything worked out for the best!

My email will remain the same: breakaway11 (at) gmail (dot) com

I will have a new physical address obviously, and I would love to receive mail, pictures, etc. I am sure the people who I will be living with don't want their address posted publically on the internet, but if you want to send me cards, letters, food, etc., please e-mail me for my address and i will definitely give it to you.

So long for now... I will be trying to write here at least once every few days... I will try hard not to get lazy like I did with my other blog. Speaking of laziness, I have two calendars hanging in my room, and they are both still stuck on April!

Thanks for reading....



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