R.J.'s Experiences in Lincoln

Name: R.J.
Age: 22
B-day: 8-5-1983
Status: I Have A Great G/F

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August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
March 2006

    Tuesday, March 21, 2006  

  The Ice Cream Gospel

Wow... how time goes by.... it's two months later and I am finally sitting down to write another blog... well, it's not that I haven't been sitting... I just haven't been writing.

The church that I moved to Lincoln to help start is going through some changes. Not bad changes, just changes that needed to happen. We are trying to go back to a biblical style of the concept of "church."

There are different metaphors that have been thrown around in our meetings... for a great one, visit my friend Tim's blog post entitled "Baby Don't Need a Hat."

Alright... on with the blog... (By the way, this is a metaphor I got from a speaker I once heard... I'd just like to share it.)

The Ice Cream Gospel...

There are two different business models... The first is the Wal-Mart business model. You create a big building in the middle of town. You sell everything! From candy, to hats, to DVD players, to Rubik's Cubes, to tires, and so on. Your plan is that since you have everything and are located in the middle of town, everyone will come to you. This is the model that many churches have today. They have a women's ministry, a children's ministry, a youth group, a homeless ministry, a skateboard ministry, a worship team, a multimedia ministry, a greeters ministry... etc. They setup various ministries hoping that if they have everything, then people will start coming because they are attracted to a certain ministry in the church.

There is a second business model. The Ice Cream Man business model. He has ONE product... the best product!! He doesn't sell hats, he doesn't sell DVD players... he sells one thing... Ice Cream. He doesn't just setup shop and hope that people come and buy ice cream... No, he goes to where the people are who want and need ice cream and sells it to them on their turf... This is what Jesus did. He didn't need the instrumental for "Do Your Hears Hang Low" booming out of a speaker to be heard. His presence caused people to want to come to him as he went to different places. This is the mission of Jesus... to go out and bring the good news to the people that need it most. This is how Christians should be doing ministry.

That's all...


Time Posted: 12:46 AM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Monday, January 23, 2006  

  Life After Late Fees Is Great

I can be pretty forgetful... i don't remember being forgetful in the past, but I really don't think I was. It all started with my roommate Joey in college... he'd always forget stuff. When trying to go somewhere, he'd come back to the room a few times to get something he had missed. And then I started doing that, and I think ever since then I have been forgetful!

All of that to say that I was 5 days late returning a moving I rented at Blockbuster. It's not that I wanted to watch the movie many times, or even wanting to burn it and leaving it in my computer... I just simply forgot. Even after I got the reminder call from Blockbuster, I forgot for a day or two.

But, thank God for Blockbuster's new "No Late Fees" thing. They don't charge any late fees. The rental is converted to a sale after 7 days. You can return it within 30 days to give the movie back and reverse the sale. But you are charged like a $1.50 re-stocking fee. Not bad, being able to keep the movie for 30 days for an extra $1.50. No wonder Blockbuster raised their prices!!!! It's almost as expensive as a tank of gas nowadays, and THAT is expensive!

Anyhow, that is basically all.... I wanted to say that my girlfriend is great! I love her... it's been 4 months and more.... crazy!


Time Posted: 4:10 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Monday, January 16, 2006  

  This Is Crazy....

Yah yah... it's been a while since I've written.... deal with it...

So, most people who know me, know that I can solve a Rubik's Cube in about 2 minutes.... usually closer to a minute and a half, but not always.... I'm rusty.

This is just plain ridiculous.... Some guy at a Rubik's Cube competition broke the previous world record of 11.75 seconds by solving it in 11.13 seconds. That's crazy....

Click here for the full article.


Time Posted: 2:53 PM     1 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Friday, December 23, 2005  

  IMAX Experience

So my girlfriend and I went to go see "The Polar Express" at the IMAX theatre here. At first I really didn't want to go, but i decided to go anyway. I am glad that I did. It was awesome.... it looked like the snow was falling on the people in front of us' head. (Yes, it was in 3D) SO, that was pretty awesome.... there's a part where the front of the train comes up and it was like at the tip of my nose...

It was pretty awesome... plus, just spending time on real dates with my g/f is awesome.


Time Posted: 7:56 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Friday, December 16, 2005  

  Am I The Grinch?

Don't have a heart attack... I know, I know... this is my third post this week.... craziness! Anyhow... let's get to the point...

I have been called a grinch once or twice so far... I am not too fond of Christmas decorations... maybe mistletoe, but that's it.... well, actually, THIS CHRISTMAS DISPLAY (turn your sound on) is pretty awesome.

I am also not too fond of Christmas music... so I've been called a Grinch for that... it's always the same songs... there's never (or hardly ever) any new Christmas songs that come out... sure, there's classics, but it's basically saying that all of the talent for writing Christmas songs has been used up, and that artists today aren't talented and therefore their efforts aren't worth a damn.

I enjoy interesting remixes of christmas songs, but even then, it's only now, a week before Christmas that I am actually getting into it.

Who knows.... maybe I am The Grinch....


Time Posted: 2:16 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)


  Entering Unknown Territory

So, I haven't had a relationship that lasted longer than just a little over 3 months.... it's crazy... Amanda and I just hit 3 months yesterday... things are still going great, sure we've had more problems this half of the 3 months as opposed to the 'honeymoon stage' in the first month and a half... but, life is good.

Really not much to say... she's great... she's amazing... I hope there are many more months together to come...


Time Posted: 2:01 AM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Monday, December 12, 2005  

  Buggin' Me....

SO, people have been buggin' me about writing a blog post... an update... etc...

Everything is going well.... work is good, and I got a pretty nice paycheck on the last payday I had... holidays and money from stayin the night when night staff couldn't come in.

My girlfriend and I are doing well. It'll be 3 months this Thursday.... it's pretty crazy... my longest relationship to this point has been about 3 months give or take a few weeks, so it's coming down to crunch time. I think we'll make it way past 3 months (and I hope we do), but only time will tell.

I can't believe it's almost halfway through December already.... time seems to just fly by nowadays. It doesn't feel like the holiday season... usually about this time, I'd be getting myself excited counting down the days until Christmas break... but now I don't have a Christmas break, I very well may be working up until 11:45pm on Christmas Eve. I will get 3 days off (like a normal weekend) as opposed to the 2 weeks in high school and the 5 weeks in college... but that's life.

I've never been one to be excited to Deck the Halls. It will be nice to spend a little bit of Christmas with my family and girlfriend. But 3 days later I'll be working and I'll be working hard.

Oh well... there you have it, an updated blog post. Merry Christmas to all! Be safe!


Time Posted: 4:46 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Friday, November 11, 2005  

  Fun Day Off...

Since I worked earlier in the week on my day off, I was able to get Thursday off, and I got to spend the day with my girlfriend. We went to this thing called Apple Hill... it's hard to describe, but it was a fun time. Here are some pictures we took...


I had a great time and I ate too many apple fritters..... but it's all good!


Time Posted: 12:29 AM     1 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Wednesday, November 09, 2005  

  Microwave Your Bra...

I don't know how many women read my blog, but this may be an interest to you.... to me it's ridiculous....

"For the woman who wants to stay both warm and environmentally conscious this winter -- and isn't bothered by extra bulk under her shirt -- a lingerie maker has unveiled a thick bra that can be heated in the microwave......"

Do you think that microwave makers will start putting a "Bra" button right next to the "Popcorn" button?


Time Posted: 11:59 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Friday, November 04, 2005  

  Great America....

Hey hey.... well, tomorrow will be pretty awesome. I have to work from 7am to about 11 pm or midnight. You may be thinking, "That doesn't sound too awesome to me." Well, I'll be going to Great America (for free) with the boys I supervise for my work, and I get to ride the rollercoasters and what not, and get paid for it! It's pretty awesome!! Long day, a lot of money, but a fun day!

That's all for now!


Time Posted: 9:23 AM     1 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Sunday, October 30, 2005  

  Red 23... Blue 42... Hut, Hut, Christ!

As seen in movies such as "Every Given Sunday" and "Remember the Testaments", we have Football Jesus, in bobble-head form.....

This is just ridiculous..... i don't know what else to say...


Time Posted: 9:42 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)


  And The Fog Rolls In...

Driving home from work I saw the first signs of the fog I had been told about in this area. The first time I really encountered fog was last winter driving from Reno to Vegas I had some fog with about 5-10 yard visibility, but only for a few minutes. Tonights fog was nothing, but more of a warning that it's coming.

Speaking of coming without warning... I can't believe it's almost November already.... that's soooooo crazy to me!!! Where I work, it's a higher elevation, and it gets colder, and at 9:00pm this evening, I could see my breath. Then, as I got in my car at 11:45, there was some ice on my windows.... it's craziness.... the cold weather is here... not where I live, but definitely where I work.

Anyhow, I won't make this too long, since it is Daylight Savings Night.... turning the clock back... my favorite day of the year... getting an extra hour!!!! But, usually I am a moron and I stay up later because I know I have an extra hour. Maybe I am getting older (I prefer "wiser") but I am heading right to bed.... I just had to write this blog, and then enjoy that extra hour I have been blessed with. (Although I'll probably be grumpy come spring and I lose this hour.

I'll leave you with a joke.... Although it's the wrong Daylight Savings for the joke, it's still a humorous Daylight Savings joke:

"I once made love for an hour and 5 minutes... of course that was when they turned the clocks ahead an hour.."
~Larry Sanders


Time Posted: 12:08 AM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Friday, October 28, 2005  

  The Goop Scoop

So, in the group home I am working, the boys were carving pumpkins. In the pumpkin carving kits, it had something known as a goop scoop. It's this scoop, to scoop the goop out of the pumpkin. What ever happened to the good ol' fashioned spoon? Huh? ANd what moron was sitting around getting all excited about his new name for this device called the "Goop Scoop." To me that's so ridiculous... and I just had to vent.

Alright, I hope everyone is doing well... adios!!!


Time Posted: 11:22 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Sunday, October 23, 2005  

  Oh, Where Has The Time Gone

Each week I look at my blog and I realize it's been about a week since I've written last, but in my heart it doesn't feel that way. I never believed people when they said that as you get older, the time seems to pass by faster and faster. But, I have now realized that it is indeed true. I don't even remember the month of September this year, it flew by so fast. October is about to be the same way for me. It is already the 23rd of October... to me, that is insane.

In other news, work went well this week. I got paid on Thursday which is always a great thing! The shifts were pretty relaxed, no major drama in the house, no minor drama even.

I don't know who all reads my blog anymore, but since I am rarely on AIM anymore, I encourage you to leave a comment on my blog and just say "Hi!" Adios!


Time Posted: 1:13 PM     4 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Monday, October 17, 2005  

  Where Have I Been?

I know I haven't been writing as much lately... Last week was crazy, because wood flooring was being put in, in the wing of the house I live in. So i had very limited access to my room (and I didnt get much sleep, waking up to be out of that area early, or being woken up by the banging and sawing, etc....

I've also been working a lot, and spending time with my amazing girlfriend. We've had our little arguments that all relationships have, but we've been able to get through them well. The make-up make-out sessions have been great... maybe I'll get to marry her and see if the make-up sex will be great!

Well, all in all, life has been great.... I get paid thursday, and it is going to be a pretty nice paycheck! Saturdays I work almost 15 hours, and there are 3 saturdays on this check, plus 50 more hours, some overtime, and a nighttime-stay worth $50... yup, that's right... getting paid $50 to sleep from midnight to 8am... not shabby!


Time Posted: 10:34 PM     1 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Tuesday, October 11, 2005  

  Pros vs Joes

Browsing around online, I came across this advertisement for the casting of a new reality TV show. It will pit regular sports fans against sports pros... I sent in my application for the "hockey" portion if they have it... I don't quite understand how it'll all work out, but that would be awesome if I was on TV!!!


Time Posted: 1:56 AM     1 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Sunday, October 02, 2005  


Well, I haven't posted in a few days and that is because I finally have a job and I have been working. This has been a long week because of all of the training I needed.

I worked on Wednesday from 9am - 8pm, but it was a pretty easy, laid-back day, just doing paperwork and what not. It was one of the boys' birthday and so it was a celebration day and the boys were in high spirits and we played xbox and what not (yes, I get paid for playing xbox).

On Thursday, it was a normal 4:30-11:45 day, and it wasn't too bad, just hung out, etc.

On Friday, I had to be up at 9am for CPR training... it lasted about 2 1/2 hours, and I'm certified now. Then I had to work 4:30-11:45.... it was a good day.

On Saturday, my long day, I worked from 9am-11:45pm. But, then, because of some problems in another house, the night shift person had to go to that house, so they paid me $50 to sleep in the house from when my shift ended until 8 in the morning. Not too bad! More than $6 for sleeping! It probably won't be a regular thing, but i could definitely use the money.

Anyhow, I am off for 3 days now so I will definitely be getting some cleaning done!



Time Posted: 9:39 AM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Tuesday, September 27, 2005  

  Just Me and My Girlfriend

I haven't been blogging much lately because I have been spending time with my girlfriend. Last week I posted about our Tuesday morning date and how she cooked for me. Well, once again this Tuesday she cooked for me and it was simply fabulous!!! I definitely found me a keeper!!! Here's a picture from her cooking me dinner sometime last week:
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

We also hung out the other night (I write that as if we haven't hung out almost every night, which we have been) but anyway, she was over at my place and she was studying for her Abnormal Psych. class, and so I had to snap a few shots with her awesome camera...

Here she is studying hard:
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

And here she is posing for the camera and NOT studying hard:
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Anyhow, I just wanted to share a few pics with you all since some of you have been asking to see pictures! Hope you enjoy!


Time Posted: 7:29 PM     1 comments. (Post/View comments.)


  Lincoln Lightning

After living in Las Vegas for 18 years, I grew accustomed to enjoying amazing lightning shows during thunderstorms... then, when I moved to Reno, you really didn't see much lightning when it rained, and even when you did, it wasn't that great of lightning. Well, here in Lincoln yesterday, we had a thunderstorm and the lightning was just awesome... amazing brightness, many branches, loud booms... I was loving it...

Just yet another reason why I love California!


Time Posted: 7:04 PM     1 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Tuesday, September 20, 2005  

  Tuesday Morning Date #1

So Amanda and I had our first Tuesday Morning Date.... it went well. I woke my butt up and went to the chapel service at her school. (She goes to a Christian college and she's required to go.) The chapel service was good.... I enjoyed the worship and the message. Then we headed on up the road to her house and she cooked me eggs and waffles. The eggs were great, she put some seasoning stuff in them, and then scrambled them, and they were very good. The waffles were good too, they were thin, so I ate 6 of them... yah, I am a pig! Strawberry syrup and whipped cream... mmmmm. And "orange juice" which was really Sunny D, but she calls it orange juice. I had to educate her, and correct her with regards to her calling Sunny D "orange juice." Don't get me wrong, I like Sunny D, it's just not orange juice! It's "orange flavored citrus punch." Anyhow, then we just hung out and talked, and I tickled her and made fun of her for drawing blood from me last night.

As she was leaving my place, we were hip checking each other, and she knocked me right into the little metal "security alarm" sign outside of my house. At first I thought I just kind of scraped it, but after I kissed her goodbye and went inside, there was blood coming out... I'm fine, but it's fun teasing her about it!

I look forward to more Tuesday Morning Date's with her. =)


Time Posted: 2:42 PM     1 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Saturday, September 17, 2005  

  Huge Update...

Well, a lot has happened... or one major thing, and a lot of minor things...

First off, I have a girlfriend... yes, you read that right, R.J. has a girlfriend. After 4 years and 5 months of me not having an official girlfriend (sure i dated, but no actual g/f's) I finally broke the streak, asked Amanda to be my g/f (the girl i was taking out on a date in the last post) and she said yes. Some may think it's too quick since I haven't even known her for a week, but Thursday we spent 11 hours together just talking... and when you spend that much time together just talking, you really get to know someone.... she is an awesome girl... she's funny, she thinks I'm funny, she's cute, she cooks, she likes to cook, she loves God, she likes me (what a weirdo). Speaking of her being a weirdo, she's doesn't know who Al pacino is (except the little bit I told her about him when she told me that) and she's never had chocolate covered cherries... but, she's a really cool girl, we get along great (we spent quite a bit time together on friday too)... it will be hard, because she'll be working Sun-Wed, and she has school, and I'll be working Wed-Sat, no school, but still.... but, we're going to make it work... and we'll be patient, and hope next semester she can get the same shift as me, and so we can have the 3 same days off... then all we'd have to work around is school =) So, I am excited.

Also, the house I am living in finally has grass in the backyard... when I moved in they only had the patio done, and had been waiting to get grass put in, and I looked back there this morning and it was like 85% done, and now it's done!!! We're going to be having a BBQ soon!

So, yah... i am supposed to start work wednesday, so I am excited about that... it's nice to not be working, but knowing that I will have a job to be able to pay the bills.

'Till next time!!!!


Time Posted: 3:31 PM     2 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Thursday, September 15, 2005  

  A Job and a Date

Hey guys!!! I FINALLY got a job.... I will be working in a group home, basically being a parent to teenage boys. I make sure they eat, do their homework, do their chores, etc. etc. I am excited... it will be challenging, but I think I am up for it.

And, the girl who got me the job, I asked her out on a date and she said ya, so I am excited for that... I don't know when we are going to go because our schedules conflict or at least they will bigtime when I start working next week.... but we'll see how it all works out.

I figured I'd update all of you who read my blog. =) Adios!


Time Posted: 9:42 AM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Monday, September 12, 2005  

  Photoshop Fun

Hope you guys enjoy this......


Time Posted: 11:51 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)


  NYC Firefighter Assaults Immigrant


It's a short article, so not a bad read to see what I'm writing about. I hope this guy gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It's obviously blatant racism... and not particularly attached to the Sept. 11th attacks... let me explain. If it was just based on the attacks and the nationality of the attackers, then why don't those types of crimes mentioned in the above article happen towards ex-military members. Timothy McVeigh was a white, ex-military man and he was the man executed for the Oklahoma City bombings... do many people even remember that? If people were so fired up about such attacks on 9/11, why aren't they with regards to the bombing in Oklahoma City... it's blatant racism... and it disgusts me.

Using that idiot's logic in attacking the guy that he did, does that mean that we should now attack NYC firefighters?


Time Posted: 2:21 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

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