R.J.'s Experiences in Lincoln

Name: R.J.
Age: 22
B-day: 8-5-1983
Status: I Have A Great G/F

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    Tuesday, September 20, 2005  

  Tuesday Morning Date #1

So Amanda and I had our first Tuesday Morning Date.... it went well. I woke my butt up and went to the chapel service at her school. (She goes to a Christian college and she's required to go.) The chapel service was good.... I enjoyed the worship and the message. Then we headed on up the road to her house and she cooked me eggs and waffles. The eggs were great, she put some seasoning stuff in them, and then scrambled them, and they were very good. The waffles were good too, they were thin, so I ate 6 of them... yah, I am a pig! Strawberry syrup and whipped cream... mmmmm. And "orange juice" which was really Sunny D, but she calls it orange juice. I had to educate her, and correct her with regards to her calling Sunny D "orange juice." Don't get me wrong, I like Sunny D, it's just not orange juice! It's "orange flavored citrus punch." Anyhow, then we just hung out and talked, and I tickled her and made fun of her for drawing blood from me last night.

As she was leaving my place, we were hip checking each other, and she knocked me right into the little metal "security alarm" sign outside of my house. At first I thought I just kind of scraped it, but after I kissed her goodbye and went inside, there was blood coming out... I'm fine, but it's fun teasing her about it!

I look forward to more Tuesday Morning Date's with her. =)


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