R.J.'s Experiences in Lincoln

Name: R.J.
Age: 22
B-day: 8-5-1983
Status: I Have A Great G/F

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August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
March 2006

    Sunday, October 30, 2005  

  Red 23... Blue 42... Hut, Hut, Christ!

As seen in movies such as "Every Given Sunday" and "Remember the Testaments", we have Football Jesus, in bobble-head form.....

This is just ridiculous..... i don't know what else to say...


Time Posted: 9:42 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)


  And The Fog Rolls In...

Driving home from work I saw the first signs of the fog I had been told about in this area. The first time I really encountered fog was last winter driving from Reno to Vegas I had some fog with about 5-10 yard visibility, but only for a few minutes. Tonights fog was nothing, but more of a warning that it's coming.

Speaking of coming without warning... I can't believe it's almost November already.... that's soooooo crazy to me!!! Where I work, it's a higher elevation, and it gets colder, and at 9:00pm this evening, I could see my breath. Then, as I got in my car at 11:45, there was some ice on my windows.... it's craziness.... the cold weather is here... not where I live, but definitely where I work.

Anyhow, I won't make this too long, since it is Daylight Savings Night.... turning the clock back... my favorite day of the year... getting an extra hour!!!! But, usually I am a moron and I stay up later because I know I have an extra hour. Maybe I am getting older (I prefer "wiser") but I am heading right to bed.... I just had to write this blog, and then enjoy that extra hour I have been blessed with. (Although I'll probably be grumpy come spring and I lose this hour.

I'll leave you with a joke.... Although it's the wrong Daylight Savings for the joke, it's still a humorous Daylight Savings joke:

"I once made love for an hour and 5 minutes... of course that was when they turned the clocks ahead an hour.."
~Larry Sanders


Time Posted: 12:08 AM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Friday, October 28, 2005  

  The Goop Scoop

So, in the group home I am working, the boys were carving pumpkins. In the pumpkin carving kits, it had something known as a goop scoop. It's this scoop, to scoop the goop out of the pumpkin. What ever happened to the good ol' fashioned spoon? Huh? ANd what moron was sitting around getting all excited about his new name for this device called the "Goop Scoop." To me that's so ridiculous... and I just had to vent.

Alright, I hope everyone is doing well... adios!!!


Time Posted: 11:22 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Sunday, October 23, 2005  

  Oh, Where Has The Time Gone

Each week I look at my blog and I realize it's been about a week since I've written last, but in my heart it doesn't feel that way. I never believed people when they said that as you get older, the time seems to pass by faster and faster. But, I have now realized that it is indeed true. I don't even remember the month of September this year, it flew by so fast. October is about to be the same way for me. It is already the 23rd of October... to me, that is insane.

In other news, work went well this week. I got paid on Thursday which is always a great thing! The shifts were pretty relaxed, no major drama in the house, no minor drama even.

I don't know who all reads my blog anymore, but since I am rarely on AIM anymore, I encourage you to leave a comment on my blog and just say "Hi!" Adios!


Time Posted: 1:13 PM     4 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Monday, October 17, 2005  

  Where Have I Been?

I know I haven't been writing as much lately... Last week was crazy, because wood flooring was being put in, in the wing of the house I live in. So i had very limited access to my room (and I didnt get much sleep, waking up to be out of that area early, or being woken up by the banging and sawing, etc....

I've also been working a lot, and spending time with my amazing girlfriend. We've had our little arguments that all relationships have, but we've been able to get through them well. The make-up make-out sessions have been great... maybe I'll get to marry her and see if the make-up sex will be great!

Well, all in all, life has been great.... I get paid thursday, and it is going to be a pretty nice paycheck! Saturdays I work almost 15 hours, and there are 3 saturdays on this check, plus 50 more hours, some overtime, and a nighttime-stay worth $50... yup, that's right... getting paid $50 to sleep from midnight to 8am... not shabby!


Time Posted: 10:34 PM     1 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Tuesday, October 11, 2005  

  Pros vs Joes

Browsing around online, I came across this advertisement for the casting of a new reality TV show. It will pit regular sports fans against sports pros... I sent in my application for the "hockey" portion if they have it... I don't quite understand how it'll all work out, but that would be awesome if I was on TV!!!


Time Posted: 1:56 AM     1 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Sunday, October 02, 2005  


Well, I haven't posted in a few days and that is because I finally have a job and I have been working. This has been a long week because of all of the training I needed.

I worked on Wednesday from 9am - 8pm, but it was a pretty easy, laid-back day, just doing paperwork and what not. It was one of the boys' birthday and so it was a celebration day and the boys were in high spirits and we played xbox and what not (yes, I get paid for playing xbox).

On Thursday, it was a normal 4:30-11:45 day, and it wasn't too bad, just hung out, etc.

On Friday, I had to be up at 9am for CPR training... it lasted about 2 1/2 hours, and I'm certified now. Then I had to work 4:30-11:45.... it was a good day.

On Saturday, my long day, I worked from 9am-11:45pm. But, then, because of some problems in another house, the night shift person had to go to that house, so they paid me $50 to sleep in the house from when my shift ended until 8 in the morning. Not too bad! More than $6 for sleeping! It probably won't be a regular thing, but i could definitely use the money.

Anyhow, I am off for 3 days now so I will definitely be getting some cleaning done!



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