R.J.'s Experiences in Lincoln

Name: R.J.
Age: 22
B-day: 8-5-1983
Status: I Have A Great G/F

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August 2005
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    Friday, December 23, 2005  

  IMAX Experience

So my girlfriend and I went to go see "The Polar Express" at the IMAX theatre here. At first I really didn't want to go, but i decided to go anyway. I am glad that I did. It was awesome.... it looked like the snow was falling on the people in front of us' head. (Yes, it was in 3D) SO, that was pretty awesome.... there's a part where the front of the train comes up and it was like at the tip of my nose...

It was pretty awesome... plus, just spending time on real dates with my g/f is awesome.


Time Posted: 7:56 PM     0 comments. (Post/View comments.)

    Friday, December 16, 2005  

  Am I The Grinch?

Don't have a heart attack... I know, I know... this is my third post this week.... craziness! Anyhow... let's get to the point...

I have been called a grinch once or twice so far... I am not too fond of Christmas decorations... maybe mistletoe, but that's it.... well, actually, THIS CHRISTMAS DISPLAY (turn your sound on) is pretty awesome.

I am also not too fond of Christmas music... so I've been called a Grinch for that... it's always the same songs... there's never (or hardly ever) any new Christmas songs that come out... sure, there's classics, but it's basically saying that all of the talent for writing Christmas songs has been used up, and that artists today aren't talented and therefore their efforts aren't worth a damn.

I enjoy interesting remixes of christmas songs, but even then, it's only now, a week before Christmas that I am actually getting into it.

Who knows.... maybe I am The Grinch....


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  Entering Unknown Territory

So, I haven't had a relationship that lasted longer than just a little over 3 months.... it's crazy... Amanda and I just hit 3 months yesterday... things are still going great, sure we've had more problems this half of the 3 months as opposed to the 'honeymoon stage' in the first month and a half... but, life is good.

Really not much to say... she's great... she's amazing... I hope there are many more months together to come...


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    Monday, December 12, 2005  

  Buggin' Me....

SO, people have been buggin' me about writing a blog post... an update... etc...

Everything is going well.... work is good, and I got a pretty nice paycheck on the last payday I had... holidays and money from stayin the night when night staff couldn't come in.

My girlfriend and I are doing well. It'll be 3 months this Thursday.... it's pretty crazy... my longest relationship to this point has been about 3 months give or take a few weeks, so it's coming down to crunch time. I think we'll make it way past 3 months (and I hope we do), but only time will tell.

I can't believe it's almost halfway through December already.... time seems to just fly by nowadays. It doesn't feel like the holiday season... usually about this time, I'd be getting myself excited counting down the days until Christmas break... but now I don't have a Christmas break, I very well may be working up until 11:45pm on Christmas Eve. I will get 3 days off (like a normal weekend) as opposed to the 2 weeks in high school and the 5 weeks in college... but that's life.

I've never been one to be excited to Deck the Halls. It will be nice to spend a little bit of Christmas with my family and girlfriend. But 3 days later I'll be working and I'll be working hard.

Oh well... there you have it, an updated blog post. Merry Christmas to all! Be safe!


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